White flowy maternity dress perfect for photoshoots


How to choose the perfect dress for your maternity photoshoot 

First up, congratulations, mama! Pregnancy is a wonderful, transformative journey and you’re probably feeling every emotion at once. 

Capturing and celebrating that journey with a maternity photoshoot helps you preserve and treasure those moments for years to come, and with the right dress, you’ll feel just as beautiful on the inside as you look from the outside.

Image by Natasha Larsen Photography. 

We’ve put together this handy guide of tips for you to consider when hiring or buying that perfect photoshoot-ready dress. 

The style of your maternity photoshoot 

You’ll want to match your dress with the vibe of your shoot and the brief you gave your photographer. 

For example, if you’re shooting at the beach, you might want to find a lacy white gown like our Daphne Lace Gown to complement the white sand and azure blues of the ocean. 

Or, if you’re shooting in a field of sunflowers at golden hour, you could opt for a boho-style dress like our Posie Gown with flowing sleeves and a flower crown. Even better if you have a little one joining in they have a matching mini version.

The weather 

You can’t control the weather, but you can make a fairly safe guess based on the season and the long-range forecast. 

Photoshoots can involve a lot of moving around, so if you’re shooting in summer, you might want to consider a dress that helps keep you cool if things get a little sweaty. 

Conversely, if you’re having a winter photoshoot, you could try a dress with long sleeves like our Lovers Gown or a dress that allows room to wear something underneath it for an extra layer of warmth. 

As for rain, our advice is to just roll with it. Yes, you’ll get wet, but there’s something truly epic about professional photos taken in the rain.

The size and visibility of your bump 

There are heaps of flattering ways you can style your dress to celebrate that beautiful bump of yours. 

Whether you’re nearing the end of your pregnancy or you still have a few months left to go, you’ll need to consider the size and preferred visibility of your bump. 

For example, some mums want a figure-hugging dress that covers their bump but shows off its every gorgeous curve, whereas others prefer a flowing lace gown like our Stevie Robe that they can wear open at the front for maximum bump vibes. 

If you’re not sure what would suit you best, why not use our try-on service that can be arranged at our studio or via postal (our postal option requires postage fees and a small fee). 

Hiring vs. buying a dress for your maternity shoot 

Will you wear it again, mama? 

Aside from the huge cost of buying a dress specifically for your shoot, it’s worth considering whether you’d ever wear the dress again. 

Just like wedding dresses, it’s likely to end up gathering dust at the back of your wardrobe before making its way to landfill - sad, but true. 

Dress hire is an affordable, convenient, environment-aware option that lets you find the dress of your dreams without breaking the bank or contributing to fashion waste. 

So, are you ready to hire your perfect dress, mama? Hire Now


Image by Hayley Mae Photography

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